Nursery Support 2023/2024

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We have everything you need to plan and deliver inspiring Nursery Maths sessions for a whole year.

  • Thirty-five carefully sequenced and differentiated weekly plans
  • Online training videos for teachers
  • A huge range of engaging play-based activities
  • Explanations of rationale behind next steps and suggested differentiation
  • Empowered practitioners create bespoke weekly plans for their specific cohort each week.
  • Regular contact with EYFS mathematics specialist through free regular Zoom support sessions (7/9/23, 5/10/23, 9/11/23, 7/12/23, 18/1/24, 14/3/24, 2/5/24, 23/5/24, 20/6/24, 4/7/24 all 4:15pm – 5:00pm)
  • Continuous support via email
  • Incorporates all outcomes from both ‘Development Matters’ and ‘Birth to 5 Matters’
  • Meticulously planned series of small developmental steps keeps children on track to achieve the expected level of development for 3 to 4 year-olds at the end of the academic year
  • Opportunities to accelerate learning allowing individuals to narrow the gap to their peers
  • Potential to deepen the learning for gifted mathematicians
  • Removes the need for onerous assessments or lengthy observations
  • A bespoke approach to planning that meets the specific needs of your cohort and delivers constant assessment information through carefully sequenced developmental steps for just £250.

If you would like more information, you can watch our free 30-minute webinar here.

Click here to purchase the full course bundle or click here to purchase the full course bundle plus 3 hours of support.

Please note, if you purchase First4Maths Academy, this package is included.

Session details

This course takes place online. All content and links will be sent to you on purchase.

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How much does it cost?

£250 + VAT

A bespoke approach to planning that meets the specific needs of your cohort and delivers constant assessment information through carefully sequenced developmental steps

£250 + VAT

This package maps out the development of 5 different areas of learning across a full year. 35 carefully sequenced and differentiated weekly plans are provided alongside a wide range of engaging activities.

£500 + VAT

This package includes a bespoke session with Julie following on from accessing the 6 courses. This allows for support and time to personalise the planning and map out activities specific to your cohort and setting.

“We are seeing more structure to the planning and delivery of each topic ensuring we are planning activities related to our narrative text that are based on the progressive planning overview document. This provides coverage of the whole curriculum over time and makes planning for each half term clear and precise.”

Nursery Support Package 22/23

Need more information?

We would love to hear from you. If you have any questions or requests about how we can support your school.