Our impact

We empower teachers and improve outcomes for children

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What is the impact of our work in schools?

  • Teachers feel empowered, happy and confident about their planning and delivery of mathematics:
      • “I have never taught maths better!”
      • “It has everything in one place!”
      • “You have given us our professional judgement back.”
      • “I now stand a little taller when I teach maths!”
  • Teachers have direct access to CPD that can be implemented straight away in their classrooms.
  • Teachers feel supported and have a clear understanding of what they are teaching, why they are teaching in a specific order, how skills build over time and how to teach concepts clearly.
  • Workload reduced – teachers report that they have clear direction and one place for all resources, training and subject knowledge support.
  • Consistency in approach across the school from Nursery to Year 6.
  • Clear progression in learning is evident within lessons and in books.
  • Children’s gaps in learning have been identified and addressed.
  • Children are supported and challenged effectively.
  • Children feel more confident within their mathematics lessons.
  • Children have a greater enjoyment of mathematics.
  • Subject Leaders feel confident about their school’s approach to mathematics and they are well prepared to talk about mathematics to external agencies.
  • Schools with no areas to develop in mathematics following an Ofsted inspection with all schools inspected since using First4Maths Academy receiving Good or Outstanding judgements.
  • Improved data and outcomes for children.

Case studies from our First4Maths Academy members.

Significantly positive impact on planning, teaching, assessment and interventions within mathematics. 

Children thriving within each and every maths lesson – a buzz of excitement filling our classrooms once again. 

The inspectors recognised the impact First4Maths Academy was having on our pupils.

“Before using First4Maths Academy, I had only seen teachers using pre-set PowerPoints and worksheets. 
First4Maths Academy has exposed me to a brand-new way of working, where children can explore, be practical with their maths knowledge and be secure enough in their understanding to question what they have learnt and apply this to everyday ideas. Children have developed a genuine interest and love for maths, rather than every lesson being PowerPoint, worksheet, repeat. Children can connect learning to concrete resources due to the incremental steps that have been carefully set out in First4Maths Academy. I am so much more secure in how to teach maths, and what resources can help me to deliver lessons most effectively.”


Early Career Teacher