A complete training and support package to inspire and empower leaders and teachers in the delivery of primary mathematics.
First4Maths Academy offers a cost-effective solution to empower and develop confident teachers, from Nursery to Year 6.
Join today to access essential training videos, downloadable resources and live support to allow you to plan and deliver an effective and inspiring mathematics curriculum.
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Does any of this sound familiar?

Teachers feeling overwhelmed with the range of resources available to support the planning and teaching of mathematics.

Teachers feeling that they lack the subject knowledge and confidence that they need to deliver an inspiring mathematics curriculum.

Teachers feeling that they can’t adapt the Scheme of Work that you are currently using but feeling like they are falling behind with coverage.

Teachers struggling to find the time and resources to challenge children at Greater Depth.

Teachers lacking the confidence to track back for children with difficulties in their mathematical understanding.

Teachers knowing that they need to use the CPA approach to support children’s understanding but being unsure of how to embed resources effectively into each unit of work.
If it does, then you already know how challenging it can be to provide effective support and training for your teachers while being mindful of cost and teacher workload.
That’s what inspired us to create First4Maths Academy.

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