We have everything you need to plan and deliver inspiring Reception Maths lessons for a whole year.
- Thirty-eight carefully sequenced and differentiated weekly plans
- Weekly focus objective and developmental steps either side of that for children needing a bit more support or being encouraged to develop a deeper level of understanding
- Online training videos for teachers to support each week of work
- A huge range of engaging play-based activities
- Explanations of rationale behind next steps and suggested differentiation
- Empowered practitioners create bespoke weekly plans for their specific cohort each week.
- Regular contact with EYFS maths specialist through free regular Zoom support sessions (14/9/23, 12/10/23, 16/11/23, 7/12/23, 25/1/24, 29/2/24, 18/4/24, 23/5/24, 6/6/24, 4/7/24 all 4:15pm – 5:00pm)
- Continuous support via email
- Curriculum progress model underpinned by the six NCETM progression charts for Early Years
- Incorporates all outcomes from both ‘Development Matters’ and ‘Birth to 5 Matters’
- Meticulously planned series of small developmental steps keeps children on track to achieve GLD by the start of Summer 2
- Opportunities to accelerate learning allowing individuals to narrow the gap to their peers
- Potential to deepen the learning for gifted mathematicians
- Removes the need for onerous assessments or lengthy observations
- Builds a solid foundation for transition into Year 1
For more information, please watch our free 30-minute webinar here.
Please note, if you purchase First4Maths Academy, this package is included.