Book A Free Strategy Session

Take the first step to transform your school’s mathematics curriculum with First4Maths Academy. Find out how we are empowering and inspiring teachers and leaders to improve primary mathematics outcomes.

Join 1,300+ Teachers transforming Primary Mathematics with First4Maths Academy

Allow us to gain an in-depth understanding of your school’s needs

Discuss Your Current Approach

We’ll start by exploring your school’s existing mathematics curriculum and teaching methods.

Identify Challenges

Share the specific problems your teachers and children are facing, whether it’s engagement issues, resource limitations, lack of fluency/retrieval or curriculum gaps.

Express Your Goals

Let us know your aspirations for your mathematics curriculum and what success will look like for your school or MAT.

Resource Sharing

We’ll introduce you to tools and materials that can support your teachers and enhance children’s learning. Explore 72 training courses, containing 649 training videos and 636 resource packs, all included in our membership.

Platform Demonstration

Get a guided tour of our comprehensive online platform designed specifically for primary teachers and leaders.

Improve Teacher Subject Knowledge

Our step-by-step training shares the resources, questions and activities that should be used to effectively model every objective. 

Improve Children’s Understanding and Confidence

The effective use of concrete resources and practical activities linked with activities to fully consolidate learning enables children to develop independence and confidence.

Improve Outcomes For All Children, Including Those With SEND

Progression in every small step is exemplified to enable teachers to effectively adapt learning to meet the needs of all children, including those with SEND.

Full Membership includes

Step by Step CPD Package 61 courses containing 578 CPD videos £3,660
Core Journey Resource Package – 636 sets of fluency, reasoning and problem-solving resources for children to tackle practically and in books. £1,800
Complete EYFS Package of CPD, Planning and Assessment £500
Live Subject Leader Implementation Sessions – 6 sessions per year £360
Live Implementation Sessions for Teachers – 43 sessions per year £1,200
Complete Step Up to Years 4, 5 and 6 Intervention Packages – Recorded and ready to deliver £1,200
TA Training Package – Pre-recorded training and support documentation £200
Intervention for Times Tables Package – Resources and webinar £100
Digging Deeper Box Set for Years 1 – 6  £80
Subject Leader Training Library £200
Daily Retrieval Fluency Grids Set £50
Fully Aligned Mental and Written Calculation Policy Documents £50
Personalised 1 to 1 Onboarding Support £350
Total Value £9,750

72 Training Courses

649 Training Videos

636 Resource Packs

In-Person Support


£999 per year

“When I conducted staff voice, the feedback was that First4Maths Academy is the best CPD they have ever had.”

Rachel Oakley,
Mathematics Subject Leader and Deputy Headteacher
Alderman Bolton Primary Academy

“The resources and support provided, ensured I felt confident as a Subject Leader to talk about Maths to the Ofsted inspectors. It was a strong factor in why Farington Primary was able to move up two Ofsted gradings”

Jayne Tate,
Mathematics Subject Leader
Farington Primary

“We have got the best results in the history of the school! We are so proud! First4Maths Academy has definitely had a very positive impact!”

Headteacher and First4Maths Academy Member

“Thank you for your amazing support! Never before have we worked with an organisation that have inspired the whole teaching team to such a level as you have!”

Subject Leader and First4Maths Academy Member

“Before, I had only seen teachers using pre-set PowerPoints and worksheets. First4Maths Academy has exposed me to a brand-new way of working, where children can explore, be practical with their maths knowledge and be secure enough in their understanding to question what they have learnt. I am so much more secure in how to teach maths, and what resources can help me to deliver lessons most effectively.”

Early Career Teacher

“Honestly, it’s fabulous. I’m loving teaching! What an amazing resource”

Headteacher and First4Maths Academy Member

“Thank you for everything you have done to create an amazing EYFS product! The videos, ideas and resources have been great! WE feel that our children have a much stronger foundation as they move to Year 1 than in previous years and as teachers, we feel that we know our children and their next steps so much more!”

EYFS Lead and First4Maths Academy Member

"I wouldn’t have had the confidence to teach using concrete resources without a Powerpoint and without the children having a book or worksheet in front of them before using First4Maths Academy."

Year 4 Teacher and First4Maths Academy Member.

"These resources are life changing. Staff now understand the expectations for our children and the important content to secure for all children."

Subject Leader and First4Maths Academy Member