A complete primary mathematics training and planning package that empowers teachers to adapt teaching to the needs of their children.

A comprehensive training and support programme designed to inspire and empower leaders and teachers to deliver outstanding primary mathematics.

Join 1,300+ Teachers transforming Primary Mathematics with First4Maths Academy

“We have got the best results in the history of the school! We are so proud! First4Maths Academy has definitely had a very positive impact!”

Headteacher and First4Maths Academy Member

“Thank you for your amazing support! Never before have we worked with an organisation that have inspired the whole teaching team to such a level as you have!”

Subject Leader and First4Maths Academy Member

“Before, I had only seen teachers using pre-set PowerPoints and worksheets. First4Maths Academy has exposed me to a brand-new way of working, where children can explore, be practical with their maths knowledge and be secure enough in their understanding to question what they have learnt. I am so much more secure in how to teach maths, and what resources can help me to deliver lessons most effectively.”

Early Career Teacher

“Honestly, it’s fabulous. I’m loving teaching! What an amazing resource”

Headteacher and First4Maths Academy Member

“Thank you for everything you have done to create an amazing EYFS product! The videos, ideas and resources have been great! WE feel that our children have a much stronger foundation as they move to Year 1 than in previous years and as teachers, we feel that we know our children and their next steps so much more!”

EYFS Lead and First4Maths Academy Member

"I wouldn’t have had the confidence to teach using concrete resources without a Powerpoint and without the children having a book or worksheet in front of them before using First4Maths Academy."

Year 4 Teacher and First4Maths Academy Member.

"These resources are life changing. Staff now understand the expectations for our children and the important content to secure for all children."

Subject Leader and First4Maths Academy Member

Improve Teacher Subject Knowledge

Our step-by-step training shares the resources, questions and activities that should be used to effectively model every objective. 

Improve Children’s Understanding and Confidence

The effective use of concrete resources and practical activities, linked with activities to fully consolidate learning, enables children to develop independence and confidence.

Improve Outcomes For All Children, Including Those With SEND

Progression in every small step is exemplified to enable teachers to effectively adapt learning to meet the needs of all children, including those with SEND.

First4Maths Academy offers a cost-effective solution to empower and develop confident teachers, from Nursery to Year 6.

Join today to access essential training videos, downloadable resources and live support to allow you to plan and deliver an effective and inspiring mathematics curriculum.

Membership Options

If you need specific support, we also offer individual year group packages from Nursery to Year 6 from £250 per year. 

Choose the year group you wish to purchase

Does any of this sound familiar?

Teachers feeling overwhelmed with the range of resources available to support the planning and teaching of mathematics.

Teachers feeling that they lack the subject knowledge and confidence that they need to deliver an inspiring mathematics curriculum.

Teachers feeling that they can’t adapt the Scheme of Work that you are currently using but feeling like they are falling behind with coverage.

Teachers struggling to find the time and resources to challenge children at Greater Depth.

Teachers lacking the confidence to track back for children with difficulties in their mathematical understanding.

Teachers knowing that they need to use the CPA approach to support children’s understanding but being unsure of how to embed resources effectively into each unit of work.

If it does, then you already know how challenging it can be to provide effective support and training for your teachers while being mindful of cost and teacher workload.

That’s what inspired us to create First4Maths Academy.


Farington Primary School, Leyland, Lancashire

Read how we helped teachers lacking confidence in adapting the curriculum to meet the needs of all children.


Acton CE Primary Academy, Nantwich, Cheshire

Find out how we transformed this school where teaching with textbooks had reduced staff ownership of the curriculum and impacted on children’s love of maths.

Willaston CE Primary School, Cheshire

Discover how we helped a new Subject Leader who wanted support with further development of the mathematics curriculum.


Free Member Resources



Access a range of resources to support the planning and assessment of every small step in the primary mathematics curriculum.

View Resources

Enrichment Activities

Show your children the purpose of mathematics with a range of enrichment activities for World Maths Day, Homework Club, Problem Solving and much more.

    View Activities


    View webinar recordings to support the leadership of primary mathematics, including adaptive teaching, challenging at greater depth and the teaching of mental calculations, including the teaching and retention of times tables.

      View Webinars

      Join our community of 1,800+ Primary Maths Subject Leaders

      Leading Primary Maths

      A community of like-minded teachers and leaders sharing support and resources to transform your mathematics lessons.